Please make yourself familiar with our Terms & Conditions
CANCELLATION When booked dates are cancelled more than 14 days before first booked date, we
will refund all monies paid, less the sum of £10. No refund is available for dates cancelled within 14
days of the date of the booking. In exceptional circumstances ‘allactivesports’ may have to cancel
certain dates. Every effort will be made to give at least 14 days notice. An alternative programme will
be offered, if not suitable, a full refund will be made. SICKNESS Camp days missed through illness or injury will be held as credit days, for up to 12
months, subject to provision of a valid doctors certificate. FIRST AID In the event of an accident, first aid will be administered to children in our care, and the
emergency services will be called if necessary, unless advised to the contrary. Essential medication
must be handed in to each childs site welfare officer for safe-keeping and a consent form must be completed before we can administer medication to a child. An appropriate factor sunscreen
is recommended for all children during warm weather. LOST PROPERTY Please ensure that children do not bring valuable belongings to camps as we
cannot be responsible if they go missing. We will not be able to compensate for any items lost on site.
We cannot guarantee the return of lost property, but will endeavour to return items on request that are
clearly labelled with the childs name. Children should not bring phones or any other photography devices. Children will not require cash on camp. DROP OFF/COLLECTION Parents must physically accompany children when booking in at the
start of each day. It is at this time that we are informed who will be collecting the child at the end of the
day. If plans change during the course of the day please contact the welfare officer to inform of the
changes. Upon collection, children will not be released until the parent/adult has signed the registration
book. PHOTOGRAPHY Please be aware that we occasionally take photographs of children on camp for
inclusion of promotional material. Permission will be given when booking online. EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND CHILD PROTECTION All Active Sports Ltd is an equal
opportunities employer and welcomes all children regardless of their gender, ability, race or religion.
Each child attending a camp is of equal value and is entitled to equal access of opportunity. We operate
a zero tolerance policy to discrimination or bullying of any kind. All Active Sports Ltd has legal obligations
in relation to Child Protection. It is our responsibility that any suggestion of child abuse or neglect will
be reported to the necessary authorities. CHILD EXCLUSION On rare occasions, a child proves incompatible with the general well-being of
camp e.g. bullying, disruptive or aggressive behaviour. We reserve the right to exclude such children.
No refund will be made for any remaining days booked, and any costs associated with the exclusion,
including transport home, will be the parents responsibility.